
Pueblo Aymara

Successful ageing in older persons belonging to the Aymara native community: exploring the protective role of psychosocial resources

Quality of Life in Indigenous and non-indigenous older persons in the North of Chile

Ethnicity, Social Support, and Depression Among Elderly Chilean People

Pueblo Mapuche

Depressive Symptomology, Identity and Religious Practices among Catholics and Evangelicals: Differences between the Mapuche and Non-Indigenous Chilean Population

Pueblos indígenas y afrodescendientes de Chile

Quality of life among indigenous and Afro-descendant Chilean older people: A persistent inequality gap

Intergenerational Care and Subjective Well-being: A Study of the Particularities of Ageing Amongst the Indigenous Peoples of Chile

Intercultural Health in Chilean Indigenous and Afro-Descendant Older People: Challenges for Culturally Relevant Social Work

Loneliness Among Indigenous People in Chile: A Neglected Issue

Loneliness and Psychosocial Resources among Indigenous and Afro-Descendant Older People in Rural Areas of Chile

Estudios comparativos entre el Pueblo Aymara y Mapuche

Loneliness among Chilean indigenous women: Family, community, and socio-cultural integration as protective factors

Cultural Practices in Indigenous Chilean Communities

Ageing in Context: An Ecological Model to Understand Social Participation Among Indigenous Adults in Chile

Successful Aging and Quality of Life: A Cross-Ethnic Comparison in Chile | SpringerLink

The Social Gradient in Mental Health and Well-Being for Indigenous Older Adults Living in Rural Areas: A Cross-Sectional Comparison With Rural Non-indigenous Population in Chile

Strangers in Their Own World: Exploring the Relation Between Cultural Practices and the Health of Older Adults in Native Communities in Chile

Successful Aging and Personal Well-Being Among the Chilean Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Elderly

Estudios comparativos entre personas mayores indígenas y no indígenas

Prevalencia de la soledad en las personas mayores que viven en zonas rurales. Diferencias por grupos étnicos y variables predictivas

Aging and Family Relationships among Aymara, Mapuche and Non-Indigenous People: Exploring How Social Support, Family Functioning, and Self-Perceived Health Are Related to Quality of Life

Health, social support, resilience and successful ageing among older Chilean adults

Modelo de envejecimiento con éxito: la relevancia de los síntomas depresivos en las personas mayores chilenas

Validación de escalas en personas mayores indígenas

Estructura Factorial, Fiabilidad e Invarianza de la Escala de Identidad Étnica Multigrupo (EIEM) en personas mayores Aymaras y Mapuches

Validación del Cuestionario de Apoyo Social Percibido en una muestra multiétnica de personas mayores chilenas – Dialnet

Validation of the De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale, 6‐item version, in a multiethnic population of Chilean older adults

Validation on the Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS) in a multiethnic sample of chilean older people

Multi-ethnic validation of 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale in Chile

Propiedades psicométricas de la escala APGAR-familiar en personas mayores residentes en zonas rurales multiétnicas chilenas

Validation of the Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI) for older Chilean adults

Validación del Cuestionario de Apoyo Social Comunitario en Personas Mayores Chilenas

Validación de un Índice Breve de Religiosidad y Espiritualidad en personas mayores

Validación del inventario de envejecimiento exitoso en personas mayores chilenas

Sitio diseñado y desarrollado por Estudio Ajolote (2022)